We welcome your interest in becoming a member of the Jay Chamber of Commerce. You can make a difference and be a strong voice in our community by being active within the Chamber. We have committees for all our events that we need volunteers for and sponsorships. We work hard to promote the City of Jay and its surrounding area with events, activities and economic development to see our community thrive. Our Chamber meetings are the first Thursday of each month in downtown Jay at the Mariee Wallace Museum, 538 W. Krause Street. The complimentary lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. and the informational meeting starts at noon. At our meetings we have special guest speakers that inform us of new business opportunities, upcoming events or development within our Community. We look forward to having you as a member in 2023. If you have any questions, please contact the Chamber office at 918.253.8698.
Thank you,
Dustin Holland
Individual Membership: $75.00
Business Membership’s: $250.00 Bronze, $500.00 Silver, $1,000.00 Gold and $1,500.00 Platinum
Event Sponsorships In addition to your membership you can sponsor an event or activity
Meal Sponsorships $300 you sponsor the meal, we do the pick up and set up for you!
To help ease your budget, we offer split billing. You can pay half of your investment in January and the balance in May
We would like to thank you for your consideration of joining the Jay Chamber of Commerce for the
2022 physical year. Below is the break down of how you can choose to split your membership fees and be
featured at some of the Chamber sponsored events this year.
$250 Membership Bronze
This membership is our basic membership, with this membership your business will be listed on the Chamber of Commerce Website and feature a link to your webpage or Facebook page your choice.
$500 Membership Silver
This membership is our first level of sponsorship for a membership, which includes your business being listed on the
webpage and a link to your business web page or Facebook. It also includes your choice of three events to feature
your business a sponsor on the web page, Facebook and flyers.
$1000 Membership Gold
This membership is our second level of sponsorship for a membership, which includes your business being listed on
the webpage and a link to your business web page or Facebook. It also includes your choice of six events to feature
your business a sponsor on the web page and Facebook, flyers .
$1500 Membership Platinum
This membership is our highest level of sponsorship for a membership, which includes your business being listed on
the webpage and a link to your business web page or Facebook. It also includes all events to feature your business as
a sponsor on the web page and Facebook , flyers.
In addition to your membership, we are seeking sponsors for specific events throughout the year. Your sponsorship will help provide prizes and promotion of the event and activities.
Easter Egg Hunt – April 8th $50 and up
Huckleberry Scholarship Pageant – June 29th – $100, $250 & $500
Huckleberry Festival Fireworks Display – July 4th – $100, $250, $500, $1,000 and up
Huckleberry Rodeo – July 1st – $250, $500 and up
BBQ Cook Off – July 17th- $100, $200, $500 and up
Cruise Night Giveaway – August 12th- $500, $1,000, $1,500 and up
Cruise Night Sponsors Choice –August 12th – $100, $500 and up
Chili Cook Off – September 9th – $50 and up
Fall Fest – October 21st – $100 and up
Trunk or Treat – Oct 31st – $100 and up
Christmas Display – Mid Nov $250, $500 and up